"Yellow Vest killed at Paris landmark": French press claims it's fake news because no dead body was found or claimed. No mention of tracer bullets captured on camera. National leftist newspaper, Libération, eschews tracer bullet in its tedious fact checking of the Yellow Vest dropping (dead?) to the ground at roundabout surrounding the same Paris landmark that had been stormed by rioters on Dec. 1st, and concludes that it's a fake news. Another video shows snipers aiming in direction of that landmark, coincidence? (not a biggy according to another article by Libé) To the criticism of a Twitter user, reporter Jaques Pezet responded with straw men (still waiting for proof a man is dead) and bold dis-ingenuousness (the flash, perhaps a meteorite?) as if to underscore he can peddle junk with impunity because that's what the establishment expects, and I'm not a match for the mainstream media machine that can count on a solid base of uncritical type...